How to place the workpiece in the sandblasting process in order to spray it in place?

1. When the profile is placed, it should not be too close to the edge to prevent the sand blasting from being in place; the profile and the profile should not be placed too close together to avoid uneven sandblasting on the side of the profile; in order to ensure better surface effect of the blasting material, all blasting materials must be sprayed. Sand twice. The ratio of profile spacing should be twice the height of the profile; a small shaft for special distribution between the profile and the profile should be used to separate the material from the material and keep it horizontal to enter the sand blasting machine without oscillating or close-up to avoid causing The phenomenon of uneven sand blasting and spraying is not in place.

2. Before the profile enters the machine mouth, check whether the sensor indicator of the presser is illuminated to ensure the normal operation of the presser; if the indicator light is not bright, it means that the discharge distance is too far or the profile head and tail are too close, the sensor is not recognized. The distance between the profiles, at which point the sensor must be manually calibrated to properly pressurize the press before and after.

3. When the profile of the profile after sand blasting is at the exit, the profile that is displaced by the first time is placed evenly to ensure that the profile is completely and evenly sprayed; the profile after the blasting must be worn with special protective gloves. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the surface of the profile, the profile cannot be touched directly by hand.